January 1, 2025

Why Small Steps Lead to God Sized Dreams | Armoured Women Ep. 32

January 1, 2025

God wants for you to be successful in 2025 but He wants you to achieve success His way and without overwhelm.

So in today's episode of Armoured Women I'm talking about the practical things we can do to make each day count.

  • What small actions you can take daily to sow seeds for the future God has planned for you
  • Why success comes from consistent, purposeful action guided by God’s will
  • How to align your daily decisions with God’s Word lead to lasting fulfilment
  • Why you need to trust God’s timing instead of rushing the process if you want to avoid getting discouraged
  • The importance of faith with action 

Let me encourage you to Incorporate “seed-sowing activities” in your daily lives that aligns with God's will for your life and watch your world change.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Bible Verses:
    • Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you...”
    • Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart…”
    • Provers 3:17 - "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace."

Declare With Me:
"Father God, I thank you that I have been created in your image. And so therefore, the things that you've called me to do, I am able to do. Help me to take each day at a time and allow you to be a part of my day and a part of my life so that what you've asked me to do, I can accomplish it. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen."

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About the author 

Trish Jones

Trish Jones is an online marketing coach to content creators, coaches and course creators, specialising in funnel building strategies that get you noticed online so you build an audience of buyers and make more sales.

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