In this 21st Century, this is probably one of the easiest ways for the enemy to find a chink in your armour and move in for an attack.
So in this episode of Armoured Women I'm going to talk about:
- The impact gossip has on getting you to let down your guard spiritual armor
- Why the enemy exploits gossip to create division within the Kingdom of God
- How to stay focused on becoming victorious in the battles you're in without getting involved in other people's battles
- Prioritising being a solution over being part of the problem
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
- 1 Timothy 5
Declare With Me
I have on the full armor of God.
I am protected by the Lord God Almighty. I do not need to fight battles that are not mine. But even in a battle, I will be sure to be the solution and not the problem. I will stay in my lane and I will mind my own business. And I will focus on the goodness of God and ensure that that is the character that I display in my life to my children, to the future generation, and even to the generation above me because we can all learn from each other. In Jesus name, amen.