December 28, 2024

Jesus Wants to Heal Your Soul Wounds | Armoured Women Ep. 28

December 28, 2024

As the Body of Christ, it seems we often focus on the physical healing of the person but not so much on the emotional healing. Jesus however didn't just die to save our souls, He died to heal our souls.

And He doesn't just want to heal you, He wants to make you whole, which means getting to the root of what ails you.

In today's episode I'm encouraging you to believe God for more than just raising your hand and giving your life to Christ, but allowing Christ to heal you from the inside out.

  • Jesus heals beyond the surface. He came to heal the brokenhearted and make us whole—not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually
  • Dealing with the root causes of pain and trauma
  • How real soul healing happens 
  • Walking in the fullness of Christ, rejecting the lies and embracing the truth of who we are in Him
  • Practical steps to soul healing 

Ask yourself, "Am I living as someone who is truly whole in Christ, or am I still carrying old wounds?"

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Bible References:
    • Romans 12:2 – Renewing your mind for transformation
    • Isaiah 61:1 – Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted
    • Matthew 11:28 – “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
  • Book:

What Next?

Spend time today and ask the Holy Spirit, what lies am I believing? What soul wounds do I have that I need to be delivered from? And then ask Him, what scripture do I need to stand on. And then just keep meditating that scripture until you believe it.

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About the author 

Trish Jones

Trish Jones is an online marketing coach to content creators, coaches and course creators, specialising in funnel building strategies that get you noticed online so you build an audience of buyers and make more sales.

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