January 3, 2006

I’ve Finally Given Birth

January 3, 2006

I'd been in labour 4 days and 4 nights…

And then finally… after two years preparing myself for service as well as putting the website together, on Sunday 8th January 2006, Women of Influence was finally born and went live on the internet.

And as if all the labouring these past months wasn't enough, I decided to dive straight in and start a blog! This is so I can keep you up-to-date on what's going on, as well as keep you inspired and focused on your "Chosen" purpose - with passion!

And, for those of you who don't know who I am, I purchased the web domain almost two years ago now for a very hefty sum, after being inspired by the slogan leadership expert, John Maxwell, used for the 2003 "Thrive" simulcasts for women which read...

"She is Only One, But She Can Influence Her World."

The more I thought about how we become an influence, the more I realised the connection between influence and success and the reason we fail to rise to our full potential. It's usually because we lack confidence, which is more often than not due to circumstances in our past – what we saw, heard and experienced – as well as a lack of understanding of our God-given purpose.

And influence strongly portrays God's design for us here on earth – to be influential.

So, if you're a woman who has given up on your dreams because you think you can't make a difference to your own life or to the lives of others, it's time to come out of hiding!

You were created to inspire and change the life of someone, somewhere and if you don't have the courage to step out and pursue your calling, keep coming back to this blog for a dose of courage and inspiration.

You'll find much encouragement and motivation to help you recognise and pursue your calling and, rebuild those shattered dreams, and it won't be long before you'll be hungering to receive more of the good life God has for you.

You were Chosen for a Purpose and this is what makes you unique. Unique to do the things no one else can do as well as you, unique to inspire those in your circle of influence no one else could inspire, and with a unique strength to break through the barriers of your greatest fears to live your highest dreams.

Until next time,

Trish Jones Signature

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About the author 

Trish Jones

Trish Jones is an online marketing coach to content creators, coaches and course creators, specialising in funnel building strategies that get you noticed online so you build an audience of buyers and make more sales.

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