December 19, 2024

Is the Message of Grace a Soft Gospel? | Armoured Women Ep. 19

December 19, 2024

I've heard it so many times, "the message of Grace is a soft Gospel."

Is it?

Let's see what the scriptures has to say about Grace and why I boldly embrace it.

  • How Grace shapes our relationship with God and other people
  • Why grace is often misunderstood as a “soft gospel,” and what Grace really is
  • How God’s grace empowers you to walk in strength, even in your weakness
  • What happens when you fully embrace the inheritance that Grace brings through Christ

What Next?

  • Meditate on Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 8:32 this week, asking God to reveal areas where His grace is at work in your life.
  • Share this message with someone who needs encouragement to rest in God’s unmerited favour and love.

See for yourself how acknowledging God's Grace will make a difference to how you relate to God.

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About the author 

Trish Jones

Trish Jones is an online marketing coach to content creators, coaches and course creators, specialising in funnel building strategies that get you noticed online so you build an audience of buyers and make more sales.

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