December 22, 2024

Get Excited Again About The Birth of Jesus! | Armoured Women Ep. 22

December 22, 2024

I loves me a Christmas Carol and when the song "O come all ye faithful" was read in Church this morning, I had renewed excitement, not for the season but because of the Hope Jesus brought into the world.

  • The angels’ excitement at Jesus’ birth is a reminder of God’s great plan for us
  • How can we use this season to reflect Christ’s joy and hope in a dark world
  • Allowing the exuberance of the angels at Jesus’ birth to mirror the joy we should carry as citizens of heaven
  • Getting re-excited about Jesus and refocus on what His birth, death and resurrection means to us

Hope is active, so let's take some action...

  • Consider how you're living as a citizen of heaven, sharing the joy and hope of Christ with those around you
  • This week, find one way to bring light to someone’s life, whether through a kind word, a small act of service, or sharing the message of hope in Christ.
  • Worship intentionally—spend time reflecting on God’s goodness and declaring His truth over your life.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
  • Bible References:
    • Matthew 4:16 – “The people living in darkness have seen a great light…”
    • John 1:14 – Jesus as the Word made flesh and the light of the world.

Declare With Me

 "I declare, Lord God, that I am a citizen of heaven. And I thank you that with the heavenly hosts I get to worship you not just in song, but in the way that I live in the way that I demonstrate your goodness and your grace to others because of the grace that you have bestowed upon me."

Listen to the end of episode for the full declaration.

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About the author 

Trish Jones

Trish Jones is an online marketing coach to content creators, coaches and course creators, specialising in funnel building strategies that get you noticed online so you build an audience of buyers and make more sales.

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