Hey, it's Trish Jones. I'm a Wife, Mother, Inspirational Speaker, Author, Business Coach, Entrepreneur, And Founder of The Influential Woman

I'm also a daughter, sister, auntie, niece, friend and confidant to many.
My mission is to inspire entrepreneurial women, including mumpreneurs, to rise up and take their place of influence in life and business ...
Here's The Official Line...
I'm, a Coach, Author and Speaker, and I completed my MBA at the University of the West of England in 2001 at 5½ months pregnant. Back then I felt that after my years of study, it was time to hang up the text books and focus on my new family. But, within 2 years I found herself back in the classroom, this time on the Transformational Leadership program at our Church, which equips leaders for general leadership and ministry work.
During the course, I remember telling one of my Pastors that I had no idea what my ministry was and I admit deep down, I wasn’t even remotely interested in having a ministry. For more than seven years previously, I had been involved in evangelical ministry - preaching the gospel nationwide in the UK - and I was now ready to build my coaching and speaking business. For me, this was how I was gonna touch lives.
Fast forward five months and I'm at a Women’s conference at our church where Lisa Bevere was speaking, and God showed me clearly how He would use my story to set other women free. I remember that night so clearly. I had visions of me speaking to thousands of people and seeing them freed from the bondage of their past.
The next day, I received a prophetic message through one of my Pastors and again a few weeks later from another of my Pastors, both confirming her vision.
“Seriously, I wish I could fully explain the freedom and the peace of living without fear and the bondage of my past. As Israel Houghton sings, “I lift up my hands standing unashamed,” and my heartfelt prayer is that every man, woman, boy and girl would experience this same freedom and peace.”
My philosophy is simple, and it is the message I preach and teach in both Christian and business arenas… “it’s all about perspective.” When our perspectives are aligned with what God thinks about us, our lives change and so will the lives of people around us.
For the Believer, what makes the significant difference, is seeing things from God’s perspective.
I'm a member of Elim@Bristol Pentecostal Church. I'm also a Graduate Bible Student with the Elim Regional Training Programme, a programme which equips people for ministry and greater involvement in Church life through a series of theoretical and practical training.
What's My Story?
At 15, my grandmother, who raised me, was brutally murdered in our home.
In my early teens I was subject to constant abuse by a non family member and at 36, my mother told me that the man responsible for murdering my grandmother was my biological father.
And, what's more, I spent the whole of my secondary (high) school days sitting next to the sister I never knew I had.
Though I tried to tell my husband prior to our wedding about the abuse, I couldn't and that secret haunted our marriage for 14 years.
But 14 years into our marriage, I put an end to it and broke my silence
All the things that meant so much to me, those precious things I feared losing - my husband, my home, my family - were to become great sources of blessings and catalysts for rebuilding my shattered dreams.
God Turned My 20 Year Secret And The Bitter Experiences Of My Past Into His Success Story... And Now, He Wants The Same For You!"
My mission, my purpose and my passion to inspire you to become an Influential Woman to your family, in your community, in your church and to embrace your future with passion and confidence.
A Little History About The Influential Woman...
The idea for The Influential Woman was conceived over a decade ago when I launched my "Women of Influence dot com" website - a domain I've now sold.
Whilst trying to position Women of Influence online, I unintentionally (as recommendation by my mentor at the time) made it a Christian women's site. Once the site was established, I found it difficult to backtrack. You can read all about my journey by clicking this link.
So What's Different About The Influential Woman?
For a start, it's not just dedicated to christian women, though my spiritual principles are Biblically based, and you'll see the theme of God's Grace permeate my podcasts, The Influential Woman and Kingdom Switch.
But the most important difference is that this site is all about what Women of Influence, should have been and never became...
A resource to empower and equip women to find and live their purpose, to help them find their voice, unleash their potential, rise up, and take their place of influence in life and in business.
But there's also another big reason I've created a site dedicated to women...
Discovering Real Fulfilment
Wearing the many hats of an entrepreneur, professional, mother, daughter, homemaker, ministry leader etc, can sometimes wear on us as we often feel less than fulfilled and often overwhelmed and becoming stuck as we try to balance home and business.
And that's the reason we've gone beyond creating a site purely about business and decided to have the real conversations that affect women as a whole, including family, spiritual, health & fitness and lifestyle.
In essence, we take care of the whole woman, body, soul and spirit, and I hope you find this site a resource that will help you live an authentic and on purpose, fulfilled life.
Here's How It All Began For Me...
Pregnant And Ready To Move On ...
I remember it well ... standing in my corner office having cleared out all of my personal belongings before my maternity leave... just in case I didn't return. The truth is, I didn't want to return. I'd had enough, but I also knew I had more to give.
As I stood looking around my office I prayed silently... "God, I don't want to come back here and I want to do something that involves coaching and computers."
Having no idea what that "something" was, I left on maternity leave some weeks later and gave birth to my baby girl in February that year, 2002. I tried to make myself want to go back, but one day at as I sat in the sofa at my mum's with my baby girl in my arms, a selfish feeling came over me as I looked at her and my heart shouted, "no one is going to raise my baby except me." And her father of course.
I had three excellent babysitters ready to look after her, including my mum, but this was my job, my privilage, my right! And I wasn't about to give any of those rights and privileges up.
I'm happy to report that I've never been back to the corporate world since.
How I Fell Into Business Coaching
So my husband suggested I build my own site, to which I responded, "that's what tech-heads do and I'm not one of them." Long story short, I became a tech-head. I fell into marketing coaching after months of frustration trying to get designers to give me what I wanted - a site that could sell my services while I slept, rather than a site that just looked good.
I've attracted and worked with clients from all over the world, many of whom found me through my blog and social media. When I'm not consulting, inspiring and coaching inside The Influential Woman Coaching Academy, I am usually found working privately with a select few clients helping them get more visibility for their message online.
I'm happily married to Mr Tall, Dark and Handsome, aka Chris, and we share one oh so beautiful daughter. Oh and by the way, forgive my spelling, I'm British and I love my Queen!
Why Entrepreneurial Women?
Well, if God told me I had only 24 hours to live, but I had to do something awesome in those 24 hours, I'd grab a huge human magnet, lift out every unhappy entrepreneur from their corporate employer's office, put them in a huge stadium and show them their potential. All this before releasing them into their greatness. So there you have it, I love working with passionate entrepreneurs, professional women leaders (corporate leaders who have an entrepreneurial spirit), ministry leaders, solo professionals and small business owners who are ready to make a difference through their message.
And I particularly love working with women because I love to get real about what women really want ... to feel as though they're living a life fulfilled, being able to unleash their potential and and get paid to do what they were born to do.
My Expertise
I'm a storyteller at heart, and I believe storytelling to be one of the most powerful marketing and transformational tools on planet earth. I therefore teach entrepreneurs, leaders and business owners how to market their message using real-life stories, and to use social media platforms as vehicles to effectively deliver their message.
What I Offer
You can have me coach you one-to-one, you can hire me to speak at your next event, or if you're a woman on a mission with a message, you can apply to join the The Influential Woman Coaching Academy. Once you complete the short application form, we will schedule a call to establish whether The Academy would be a good fit for you. Once you join, I show you how to craft your most compelling story, exact your message from it and turn it into a product you can sell to your market. My encouragement to you is that you "teach what you love" and you do that by putting a demand on your God-given gifts - in other words, doing more of what you do naturally.
My Delivery Process
No, I don't mean the baby - that was 19 years ago now. But I use mainly videos, podcasts, blog articles and social media sites such as Facebook to get my message out to my audience and I use some SEO (search engine optimisation) to get traffic to my website. I help you choose the right delivery platform and medium for you.
My Voice...
Nope, don't sing, can't sing, but when I speak and when I write, I'm authentic ... I'm me. And whether we're having coffee, or at a mega important formal function, "I just got to be me ... free ... FREEEE!" You gotta sing that for me right, because remember, I can't sing. 😉
I encourage you to do the same ... give yourself permission to use your own voice. This one thing will increase your influence and your impact more than any marketing strategy in the world.
Yes, I am so very passionate about people owning their voice.